We are very happy to announce that we have recently been awarded a new contract to support our customer EUMETSAT. In the scope of this contract, our Software Engineering Team will work with EUMETSAT’s Data Processing Systems and Applications Competence Area. The software applications to be maintained and evolved in this activity are bespoke and especially developed to meet EUMETSAT’s needs. They are used intensively in the processing of EO data products and, as a consequence, contribute directly to EUMETSAT’s core business. Initially the contract will support the following tools:
- The Meteorological Products Extraction Facility (MPEF), a crucial element for the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) mission and family of satellites. It is responsible for the product processing of IMPF Level 1.5 products to Level 2 products, their verification distribution and encoding into specific data formats expected by EUMETSAT’s customers.
- The Svalbard Treaty Logging System, which captures network traffic and other log information in order to provide time-correlated proof that the satellites supported by the Svalbard ground station are not used for military purposes.
- CHART, a set of tools used to store and retrieve data into a time-series database, optionally calibrate and process it to more useful forms (like engineering values), extract event information and present the results to users via an interactive website or static reporting. CHART provides a series of processing and analysis tools, used daily by operators and engineers alike to monitor the correct operation of satellites, to investigate anomalies, and to report spacecraft status.
- The MetOpizer, a tool aimed at simulating and manipulating MetOp packets and creating base EPS Level 0 products, e.g. for test and validation purposes of other components.
- The MetopSGiser, a tool to create synthetic datasets and realistic CCSDS packets for MetopSG. It can furthermore be used to analyse and modify MetopSG CCSDS packets and data sets.
Solenix is very pleased to have gained EUMETSAT’s trust once again and we are looking forward to putting our expertise at their service.
The figure below shows four products generated by MPEF: Cloud Analysis Image, Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate, Cloud Top Height Image and the Cloud Mask.

Image Credit: EUMETSAT (https://www.eumetsat.int)