New EUMETSAT’s Training Events website powered by Solenix

30 August 2019

We are happy to announce that a new web application we have developed for EUMETSAT and the Virtual Laboratory for Training and Education in Satellite Meteorology (VLab) of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) is available to the public here! The objective of this application, which is the successor of EUMETSAT’s Training Calendar, is to widen the access to the training opportunities that both EUMETSAT and the VLab offer, making sure that they reach as many people as possible. In order to do so, the application allows interested users to explore all available training and education courses in satellite meteorology. The application provides users with a straightforward solution to search and view training courses they are interested in and details how to attend these courses.

Making the tool available to the public marks the end of the first phase of the development, which focussed on laying the foundation for the system, while providing tools for the administrators to create, edit and approve new training events.

In the next phase, the focus will be on adding more features for both public users and administrators. Public users can look forward to using a simple registration process for courses and a rating system for the training sessions. Administrators will receive new functionality to manage users and gain deeper insights with course statistics.

We are happy to support EUMETSAT’s and the VLab’s efforts to provide training and education to the general public world-wide by offering our expertise in software engineering.