
Stay in touch with our activities, news and articles.

SonarQube Workshop17 August 2015

During our last internal workshop, we discussed SonarQube and further trained the team on this tool for continuous inspection of source code via static analysis. SonarQube is an important part of our Software Engineering Framework, and we use it every day to monitor and improve the quality of the software we maintain and develop.

SonarQube allows us to verify various aspects of code quality such as the coverage of automated tests, the respect of our customers’ coding conventions and the adequacy to standard best practices.


Solenix goes Bundesliga24 July 2015

We are proud to announce that Solenix has become a sponsoring partner of Darmstadt’s football team SVD 98, also known as the “Lilien”.


FOSS4G Europe in Como20 July 2015

We attended the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Europe conference in sunny, 35-degree Como, 15th to 17th of July 2015. This was a fantastic opportunity to meet with the community and get informed on the state-of-the-art in this relatively new field to us.

The status overview of open-source projects allowed comparing different solutions to similar challenges, such as virtual globes (Web World Wind / CesiumJS / Glob3Mobile) or Web Processing Service (WPS) implementations (pyWPS / ZOO-Project), with their own approach, benefits, philosophy and trends.


ESAW 2015 Report and Downloads24 June 2015

Last week, we attended the European Ground System Architecture Workshop (ESAW 2015).

The presentations gave an overview of the current trends in ground systems in Europe, but also in the USA: EGS-CC, XTCE, CFDP and other promising technologies. Our presentation about a “Platform for Automated Data Analysis (download the presentation)” raised interest and questions from the audience. Congratulations to our Alexander Lais.


Drupal Workshop18 June 2015

The latest workshop at Solenix presented Drupal. Drupal is a framework to create and manage web sites that has become more and more popular over the last years. In fact, this very site is made with Drupal!

The talk covered how to set up a basic web site and how to customize it. The concepts were explained through examples using screenshots and videos.

The presentation also included an overview of ERPAL, a business management software built on top of Drupal.


ESAW 2015 starts tomorrow!15 June 2015

This week Tuesday and Wednesday (16 and 17 June 2015) the European Ground System Architecture Workshop (ESAW 2015) will take place at ESOC in Darmstadt.

Solenix contributes to the workshop with:


ESAW 2015 - Meet us there!29 May 2015

The European Space Agency (ESA) is hosting its fifth European Ground System Architecture Workshop (ESAW) on the 16th-17th June 2015 at ESOC in Darmstadt.
Solenix will attend like in the last years, presenting our products and work.


Mission Accomplished17 April 2015

We have successfully completed the move of our new offices. From now on you can find Solenix at Spreestrasse 3 in Darmstadt. Everything went smoothly. A lot of boxes are still unpacked and all the Legos are not reassembled again, but we are back to almost full productivity after only half a day with improvised desks and only one hour without coffee. The new offices look great and we are very happy to have enough space to grow quite a bit. We hope to see you soon in our new office for a visit.


Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling Workshop07 April 2015

In the last workshop at Solenix, Simone Fratini gave an introduction on Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling concepts and techniques, with a specific focus on successful applications for controlling complex physical systems (space applications, robotics and more).

