
Stay in touch with our activities, news and articles.

Office Move in April10 March 2015

Solenix has finally outgrown its office at the TIZ. After a long search for a suitable place, we are proud to announce that we have found new office premises just around the corner. From April on, you will find us at Spreestrasse 3, 64295 Darmstadt, thus staying in close vicinity to our business partners. We are all very excited about our new office and will keep you posted on our activities around the move.


10 Year Anniversary Dinner03 March 2015

​Finally we did it! Our big anniversary dinner took place last Thursday in Herrngarten Café. Now having had the weekend to rest and reminisce, we can only say it was a splendid way to end our 10th anniversary year. More than 60 people celebrated with us this important day in our company history.


New Corporate Visual Identity27 February 2015

Yesterday evening, we concluded the celebration of our 10-year anniversary with a dinner party. Yesterday was actually the 11th birthday of Solenix.

During this event, we revealed our new corporate visual identity. After 10 years of loyal services, we decided to change the logo and retire the black and red colours, which accompanied us since the incorporation of Solenix. This totally new appearance includes not only the new logo and a new slogan, engineering inspiration, but also a revamped web site, new document visuals and more to come.


New Consultant Positions at EUMETSAT13 February 2015

EUMETSAT has awarded Solenix a 4-year frame contract to provide on-site engineering and scientific consultancy services for Sentinel-3 routine operations.
Sentinel-3 is part of a series of Sentinel satellites, which will take a continuous 'health check' on the planet.


ESA Conducts Laser Link Experiment with the Support of Planning System Developed by Solenix02 December 2014

Last week, ESA successfully conducted an experiment connecting the Sentinel-1A and the Alphasat spacecraft via laser link. This exciting experiment demonstrates the use of this technology, together with the growing network of spacecraft around the Earth, to efficiently relay large amounts of scientific data to the ground. This new communication technology can achieve an impressive data transfer rate of 7.2 Gbit/s.


Scala Workshop18 November 2014

Our latest workshop gave us an introduction to the multi-paradigm JVM language called Scala as well as a relatively high-level overview of the world of functional programming. Thereby it served as a view beyond the horizon of our usual developments.
The workshop started with some general information about the language itself and after that we learned about Scala's type system, common data structures and control flow statements.


First Successful Orbit04 November 2014

After the first successful orbit, our space exploration division has scheduled some great missions to explore the Kerbol system and become rich of all the resources out there. Our first target will be the Mun. Before we send the first Kerbals down to this rocky body, we will perform a flyby around it to find an interesting landing site. Then we will launch our best man Jebediah Kerman together with his colleagues Bill and Bob to the Mun where Jeb will make one giant leap onto the ground.


Space Exploration Division08 October 2014

Today, we’re proudly announcing the creation of Solenix’s space exploration division. Our engineers have already been working on the perfect launcher for weeks. Our initial goal is simply space mining and the trillions worth of platinum mentioned in this BBC article! Follow our adventure on Facebook.


Software Prototyping and Modile App Development Contract by ESA Awarded to Solenix-led Consortium02 October 2014

Earlier this year, ESA released an open invitation to tender for an activity encompassing software prototyping and mobile app development. The contract was awarded to an international consortium led by Solenix Deutschland GmbH (DE) with ASRC Srl (RO), GISAT s.r.o. (CZ), Progressive Systems Srl (IT) and Qualteh JR Srl (RO) as subcontractors. The framework contract will span over three years and host multiple individual projects.

