
Stay in touch with our activities, news and articles.

Solenix is awarded a new contract to collaborate with OGC!11 May 2017

Solenix has signed a contract as part of the European Space Agency's sponsorship to the OGC Testbed 13 initiative, an activity integrated in OGC's innovation program for 2017. This work, part of the Earth Observation Clouds (EOC), Thematic Exploitation Platforms (TEP) thread, will allow Solenix to contribute to the development of interoperable standards for the Geospatial, Earth Observation and Thematic Exploitation Platforms communities.


Solenix Workshop - Refactoring26 April 2017

Based on Martin Fowlers' book "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", this month’s engineering workshop focused on how to improve the design of existing code without changing its externally observable behaviour.


Solenix Workshop - How much do you think you know about Java?24 March 2017

In this month’s Engineering Team workshop, we assessed our understanding of many concepts of Java. To that end, we took an individual assessment test inspired by the exams designed for the Oracle Certified Associate and Professional. Afterwards we discussed our answers in the group and revealed the correct solutions. The goal was to help the team identify strengths and weaknesses in their understanding of the core of the programming language that we use the most in our projects.


Solenix Talks - METERON presentation23 March 2017

On the last edition of the “Solenix Talks”, we learnt more about the work that our colleagues conduct at the European Space Operations Centre for the METERON project, the Multi-Purpose End To End Robotics Operations Network. The talk presented an overview of the project, its history, architecture and plans for the future. We also looked back at the successful experiments that have taken place in recent years and got to know some interesting facts when working with astronauts.


Did you know that we offer training for our products?15 March 2017

Our products take a central place in the operations of our customers. Their good integration within existing processes and systems is key to their success and productivity. Our support and training packages can be tailored to accompany you from the design phase to operations, thanks to on-site and remote support, training sessions and dedicated workshops.


Solenix Workshop - Web Application Security03 March 2017

Another month, another workshop! This time it was the turn of Web Application Security. 

Nowadays web applications are ubiquitous and accessible to a large audience. The intentions of this audience are not always genuine and, as developers, we have to harden our applications against a multitude of threats.

The first part of the workshop highlighted some of the most critical web application security risks. We then discussed how to find and prevent vulnerabilities to these risks.


Solenix Workshop - Smelling Code07 February 2017

Our cycle of workshops for 2017 has started with a code quality initiative. The first session on this topic was the "Smelling Code Workshop", held on the last Friday of January at the Solenix's offices.

