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New EUMETSAT’s Training Events website powered by Solenix30 August 2019

We are happy to announce that a new web application we have developed for EUMETSAT and the Virtual Laboratory for Training and Education in Satellite Meteorology (VLab) of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) is available to the public here! The objective of this application, which is the successor of EUMETSAT’s Training Calendar, is to widen the access to the training opportunities that both EUMETSAT and the VLab offer, making sure that they reach as many people as possible.


The Tale of Hugin's Eye and the Stratospheric Whisky20 August 2019

Solenix went (almost) into space! Our first High Altitude Ballooning mission “Hugin’s Eye” launched on 29 June 2019 into the stratosphere. Hugin’s Eye started as a company-funded pet project with the goal to send a weather balloon, including its payload, in the heights above 30 Km.


Solenix’s Artificial Intelligence supports the European Space Agency with the Management of Intellectual Property Rights15 August 2019

The European Space Agency commissions bespoke software that is developed by a wide range of industry partners from different countries, with the added value that any resulting system becomes licensable to any organisation in an ESA member state. One very important aspect is to ensure licensability, i.e. the produced software does not infringe any copyright or third-party rights. Besides other roles, the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) is responsible for the Intellectual Property Management services within ESA.


Solenix awarded contract to support EUMETSAT with the maintenance and evolution of their Data Processing Tools24 July 2019

We are very happy to announce that we have recently been awarded a new contract to support our customer EUMETSAT. In the scope of this contract, our Software Engineering Team will work with EUMETSAT’s Data Processing Systems and Applications Competence Area. The software applications to be maintained and evolved in this activity are bespoke and especially developed to meet EUMETSAT’s needs. They are used intensively in the processing of EO data products and, as a consequence, contribute directly to EUMETSAT’s core business. Initially the contract will support the following tools:


Solenix awarded contract to support the Space Situational Awareness Programme29 May 2019

We are very happy to announce that we have been recently awarded a new contract to maintain and evolve some of the software applications available at the Space Weather Data Centre, which is part of the Space Situational Awareness Programme infrastructure. These applications offer a wide range of functionalities to various space weather communities with the aim of providing accurate and timely space environmental information.


Solenix awarded contract for the maintenance of dissemination software for EUMETSAT23 April 2019

We are very pleased to announce that we have gained EUMETSAT’s trust to maintain and evolve two bespoke pieces of software, which were developed in-house to meet EUMETSAT’s needs for dissemination. The two packages are crucial to the daily operations of our customer, as they contribute to the handling of EUMETSAT’s core output: the meteorological product data. These two tools are:

