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Solenix enjoys a fun-packed weekend in Bamberg!14 September 2022

The annual company trip took place from 16 – 17 July in the medieval town of Bamberg.

The Friday started eventful with a gathering in the office to celebrate our colleague Paulo's 12 years with Solenix! Sandwiches and drinks ensured that all were well-prepared for the bus ride to Upper Franconia. After a delicious dinner in the "Kachelofen" we met our guide who gave us a glimpse in Bamberg's rich history and it's tales and sagas. The evening ended with a tour through Bamberg's nightlife with plenty of drinks and laughter.


Solenix helps the European Central Bank in improving plausibility checks with Machine Learning29 November 2021

The European Central Bank (ECB) periodically collects data from European banks for supervisory purposes. To complement the ECB’s quality assurance and assessment tasks, Solenix has participated in a project with the aim of improving the plausibility checks performed by the ECB with Machine Learning (ML).

During the project a prototype was developed. With this prototype the ECB can:


Solenix contributes to the introduction of AI for Ground Segment Operations Automation10 September 2021

We are living in exciting times where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having more and more a key role in a wide range of applications from image/speech recognition to digital personal assistants, from health care to recommendation systems, etc. AI solutions could support decision-making, automate repetitive actions, accelerate response times, leading to greater efficiencies and performance improvements at all levels.

